OTOFIX is the latest line of intelligent automotive diagnostics and scanning tools, specifically designed with you - the driver - in mind.
OTOFIX gives you the ability to take control of your vehicle repair and maintenance in ways not possible since automobiles were computerized. Maybe you remember the old days (or maybe Boomer Dad just told you about them) when you’d spend all day in your driveway or garage working on your engine, cleaning and fine tuning each part to make it sing. And then computer technology made automobile repair a black box of mystery only knowable by your dealership or trusted shop.
With OTOFIX, that box is now transparent again. Our tools scan your automobile’s on-board computer, its battery, and even its keyless entry system for any problems, and helps you fix them on the spot. No longer the secret domain of commercial repair shops, OTOFIX makes these technologies available to you - at an affordable price and in a convenient design.
With OTOFIX hardware and software, you will have tools designed to address the needs of your specific vehicle make, model, and year. And you’ll always have the trusted support of Autel at your fingertips.

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Professional diagnostics at your fingertips.

OTOFIX Professional Oiagnostics at Your FingertipsOTOFIX Professional Oiagnostics at Your Fingertips


It offers auto solutions and services at your fingertips through interactive functions and e-commerce platforms, and features vehicle diagnostic tools, key programming equipment, battery testers, and more. OTOFIX products will be gradually equipped with the MaxiFix Cloud app to provide a series of digital repair solutions, including Remote Expert, and Device and Report Management systems.


OTOFIX strives to create professional yet affordable intelligent automotive maintenance solutions.

With devoted dedication to innovation and strong strength in R&D development, OTOFIX is committed to empowering technicians with creative automotive maintenance solutions at an affordable price, and building a connected and valuable network in the digital world.